Hi, I'm

and I love making things on the internet North American Icon

What I do Gear Icon

I am a software engineer with a passion for creating beautiful and functional web applications. I have experience working with a variety of technologies, including JavaScript, React, Node.js, and MongoDB. I am always looking for new opportunities to learn and grow as a developer, and I am excited to see where my career takes me next.

Stuff I use Lightning Icon




Cloud Services


    Professional Experience Gear Icon

    My Journey as a Developer

  1. icon-msuirrigation

    Michigan State University | Irrigation Laboratory

    On-Call · Full Stack Software Developer


    I am Working with Dr. Younsuk Dong in improving the codebase of Particle.io IoT boards. I am making the code more modular and readable for future developers by creating a library of all MSU Irrigation board functions. I am also working on the website for the Irrigation Lab, using Next.js to display the labs work and research to the public.

  2. icon-johnshopkins

    Johns Hopkins University APL | Lunar Vertex

    Full-Time · Research Intern


    I was a CIRCUIT Intern for the Lunar Vertex team at JHUAPL. Lunar Vertex is a mission led by JHUAPL to investigate a lunar magnetic anomaly named Reiner Gamma. I worked on creating a software that allowed for the filtering of light noise from the lunar surface. This helped the magnetometer get a more accurate picture of the lunar surface. While working at JHUAPL, I also did magnetics testing and calibration for the Lunar Vertex mission.